PTA Finds Customs Officials Stole Seized iPhones – Mobilesspecs


Recently the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has exposed customs’ officials of Islamabad International Airport (IIA) using Illegally smuggled iPhone 14 Pro Max. These devices were supposed to be destroyed as per legal protocols but were instead operationally utilized by the officials.

Details Of The Discovery

According to documents obtained by Dawn, the inquiry against the IIA Collectorate revealed that the high-value iPhones, seized from passengers, were not destroyed but were in active use. The PTA responded to an inquiry letter by disclosing that the seized devices, which were meant to be decommissioned, were instead operational.

Destruction Protocol And Investigation


In the case of items which cannot be auctioned, they are to be disposed off by destroying them which process has to be monitored by a committee to be constituted by the senior officials of FBR. However, in this case, the destruction of 42 iPhones was not as planned and it reached the intended objectives.

Such conditions have been foul-play by some dishonest officials and this has been observed and brought to the notice of the Federal Tax Ombudsman Authority which has demanded appropriate action against such offenders. The FTO also sought an explanation from the IIA Collector regarding the situation.

The Theft And Cover-Up

A complaint raised concerns about the theft of 42 iPhones, prompting the FTO to instruct the FBR to investigate the matter thoroughly. The FBR was tasked with probing allegations that the seized iPhones were active and not destroyed, as required.

During the investigation, the PTA reported that 22 of the iPhones were operational. This finding suggested that the phones were not destroyed but used instead. To cover up the theft, the IIA Collectorate attempted to shift responsibility to another Collectorate, as noted in the inquiry report.

FTO’s Actions And Recommendations

The FTO, in its order, noted the case as a “Defiance of Recommendations,” criticizing the inquiry officer’s failure to identify those responsible for the theft. The FTO demanded an explanation from the IIA Collector and emphasized the need for compliance with recommendations.

The order from the FTO stated, “Collector, Collectorate of Custom IIA Islamabad is given a last opportunity to comply with recommendations,” urging appropriate action against the staff members found culpable.


The emergence of customs officials at Islamabad International Airport is concerning. They are using seized iPhones for unlawful activities. This behavior indicates that the organization suffers from corruption and malpractice. These high-value devices were not destroyed. Instead, they were taken by officials. This situation suggests theft and a cover-up.

Finally, I find this scandal to be highly unethical. It shows a clear disregard for organizational procedures. This is my personal opinion on the matter. This is a key activity. Items that are seized are often destroyed. This helps prevent their return to the market and reduces illicit activities. That’s right. What is even more intolerable is that this process was completely bypassed. These devices were used exclusively by these officials.

Nevertheless, general problems can arise from this case. One issue is the efficiency of the customs measures. Another potential problem is the honesty of the customs officers. These concerns should be solved. Adequate measures should be taken such that cases like these do not recur in the future.

What do you think about this scandal? Looking at the undertakings of the FTO, what measures do you consider adequate or do you consider that a stiffer punishment should be provided for the individuals concerned? Have your say and let us know your thoughts!

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